In the Japanese market, competition for talent is fierce, as the number of qualified candidates who speak English and have a proven track record on the job are very limited. In order to recruit good candidates, besides high salary offers, a personalized approach is effective.

8 Highly Effective and Personalized Approaches

A personalized approach based on a candidate’s needs, values, and career goals is highly effective in helping companies headhunt for the best candidates and succeed in the hiring interview process. Below are 8 specific personalized approaches that should be implemented during the hiring interview process.

1. Focus on the Candidate’s Career Goals

During the interview, it is important to gain a deep understanding of the candidate’s past as well as future career goals and demonstrate how the company can contribute to those goals. For example, if the candidate is looking to further his/her leadership experience, specifically identify management positions within the company and leadership opportunities in key projects. Also, clarify future career paths and promotion possibilities so that the candidate can feel confident in his or her own development.

2. Propose Customized Projects and Job Descriptions

It is effective to explain in detail how the candidate can use his/her past experience and skills, and to propose projects and roles that are more suited to the candidate. By sharing what challenges the company is facing and clarifying how the candidate can contribute to solving those challenges, the candidate can realize his or her value. In addition, showing a customized job description that leverages individual skills and experience will make it easier for the candidate to find the right role for him or her.

3. Emphasize Fit with the Company Culture

The best candidates place great importance not only on salary and position, but also on company culture and work environment. During the interview, try to understand the candidate’s values and work style, and emphasize the company culture as a good fit. For example, if the candidate is the type who values teamwork, it is helpful to talk specifically about the company’s culture of collaboration and how team members are supported. If the candidate values flexible work styles and a balance between work and personal life, you may also want to emphasize remote work and flexible work schedules.

4. Present Specific Challenges Based on the Candidate’s Interests

It is also effective to present an actual issue or project that the company is facing during the interview and ask for the candidate’s opinion on how to solve it or approach it. This helps the candidate to imagine how he or she can contribute in a specific way and to feel that his or her skills are aligned with the company’s needs. Furthermore, it sends a strong message to the candidate that “we need your help,” thereby generating interest in the company.

5. Understand and Respond to Personal Motivations

Firmly understand what is most important to the candidate when considering a career change (e.g., career advancement, work-life balance, challenging work, compensation, corporate culture, etc.), and take a personalized approach to their motivations. For example, if the candidate is focused on the significance of the work, emphasize how the position will have a social impact. Conversely, if the candidate is more interested in compensation and benefits, offering a competitive compensation package or long-term incentives can be effective.

6. Engage in Casual Dialogue

Good candidates are accustomed to the rigidities of the regular interview process, so it is sometimes effective to engage them in casual dialogue. A relaxed atmosphere provides an opportunity for the candidate to get a more natural feel for how he or she fits into the company. Setting up casual meetings with upper management or prospective colleagues to get a firsthand feel for the working relationships and atmosphere can also put candidates at ease.

7. Present a Flexible Offer

In order to attract the best candidates, it is important to present flexible offers that meet their needs. For example, offer a variety of options beyond salary, such as bonuses, stock options, remote work options, flexible work hours, or personalized benefits, allowing candidates to choose the terms that best suit them. This flexibility is what makes a career change attractive and engaging to candidates.

8. Provide Timing and Support that Takes into Account the Candidate’s Current Situation

Because changing jobs involves risk, it is important to consider the candidate’s current situation and concerns. For example, we provide support to ensure a smooth transition while identifying appropriate timing, such as waiting for the end of a current project or considering family situations. In addition, presenting a support structure that facilitates the onboarding process after the job change reduces the candidate’s anxiety and makes the decision to change jobs easier.


A personalized approach tailored to the candidate’s individual needs and career goals is key when appealing to candidates during headhunting recruitment interviews. The key to success is to tailor your approach to what the candidate is looking for in terms of growth opportunities, career fit, compatibility with the company culture, and flexible offers, and to make sure you communicate that the job opportunity is attractive to the candidate.

If you need a consultation for hiring a candidate, please contact RYZE by contact form.